Meet Our Trainer
Mayuka Ueda RMT, CPT, Certified Prenatal/Postpartum Barre Instructor, Certified Healthy Eating Coach
Her clinical experience working alongside with physio & chiropractors as registered massage therapist and extend training as certified personal trainer make her capable to give safe and effective exercise to each client in different situation. From over decades of disciplined Ballet practice, she realized it not only gave her awareness of body movement but also discovered there is a lot of benefit to Ballet Barre training which can be corporate into workout so she got certified in Barre(ballet/pilates/yoga fusion workout method) and be able to create effective minimal equipment training using this unique method.
Her passion is to make people feel better and her goal is to get people into exercising regularly. She truly believes that having healthy body and mind allow us to enjoy our life more and help us to overcome hard time so regular exercising can really helps to increase quality of our life as a whole.
She is also certified and trained in prenatal and postpartum exercise so she can help other moms go through different challenges such as finding the time, physical ability, or maintain safety of mom and baby while exercsing(and more!) by utilizing her experience from her motherhood.
Her training method is no to minimal equipment workout to increase accessibility to exercise so that people can do exercise anywhere/anytime on their own to minimize barrier and make it sustainable . She promote fun, sustainable, and effective science based training for everyone by eliminating doing any strict diet or routine and working with individual needs. She is looking forward to work with you all!
To learn about Barre: Click Here
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Fitness Services
Services & Description
​Currently offering personal training to prenatal/postpartum moms. Please make sure you get verbal or written clearance for exercise from your physician before you sign up with personal training and ask your doctor if any modifications or suggestions needed regarding exercise. You can you bring your little ones(kids) but please be aware that you will be responsible for your own kid's safety even though we will try to keep safe and fun environment for you and your kids. There is so many benefit to exercise while pregnant(listed below). Also there are studies shown that maternal exercise can affects kid's certain health conditions/chronic diseases and may also improve learning and memory and decreased anxiety-like behaviors. We understand exercising can be challenging while in prenatal/postpartum stage so Mayuka will be here to help you whatever concern you have.
Reduce backaches and discomfort in your body, constipation, bloating and swelling
Boost your mood and energy levels
Help you sleep better
Prevent excess weight gain
Promote muscle tone, strength and endurance
Speed post-delivery recovery
A lower risk of gestational diabetes
May help to shortened labor
May a reduced risk of having a C-section or any complication
May have group workshop in the future so make sure you follow her instagram for latest news!
Mayuka will make customized exercise/mobility program&video so you can do it at your home in your convenient time! The program is build based on your needs and your body/physical level. It is convinient, safe and effective way to stay healthy.
Initial Video and Program 45min $75+GST - In-person service that includes assessment & interview at clinic, customized program and video to keep. Receive customized video and program in 3-4days(weekdays) via email and follow-up included. This service is available on online booking.
Video and Program(for a client after initial assessment who wants more program) $65+GST -Receive customized video and program in 3-4days(weekdays) via email and follow-up included. Please call, email or at the reception to request this service. When you receive your booking confirmation email for this service, please disregard booking date/time shown in email as you don't need to come into clinic for this service.
In-person one-on-one customized training. This also can be private barre class if you wanted. Healthy Eating Consultation can be included into training session for no extra charge. Great for people who needs motivation and extra support to stay healthy! Prenetal and Postparum moms are welcome with your little one.
Initial Assessment 45min $75 +GST - In-person service that include assessment and interview to customize training.
60min Personal Training $65+GST
45min Personal Training $50+GST
30min Personal Training $45+GST
*In-person service can be done online if requested at least 3 days prior. ​
MONTHLY PACKAGE - Mahalo Special Offer!
Mix and match any personal training session and/or video&program service to save some money! Healthy Eating Consulting can be also included into your session. All membership comes with complementary *recovery session and self-care pack(see details below)
Bronze Package $200+GST - 4 sessions package( 1 session per week), complementary recovery session once a month plus receive free self-care pack once a month
Silver Package $390+GST- 8 session package(2 session per week), complementary recovery session once a week plus receive free self-care pack once a week
Gold Package $585+GST - 12 session package(3 session per week), complementary recovery session once a week plus receive free self-care pack once a week
Platinum Package $780+GST - 16 session package (4 session per week), complementary recovery session each visit plus receive free self-care pack once a week
*Recovery Session - In the end of session, you can get massage gun or compression boots (approx. 5-10min) treatment to promote your muscle recovery.
Self-care Pack - Bath Bomb for your self-care at home
Please read guideline for membership before you purchase: Once you start redeeming, it is not refundable unless a trainer became unavailable more than 15 days in the month. Booking in less than a week and won’t be able to find the spot won’t count as a trainer unavailable. Please book your session in 1-2 week advance and if you can’t find the spot still then please call or email to make appointment as we might be able to find the spot for you. Please know that when trainer becomes unavilable to attend your session in in-person because of sickness or emergency, we will call you to accommodate your session as much as possible meaning one of following: we can make personal training online session by Zoom if trainer is available, switch to video&program service so a trainer can send you workout video in few days for you to do on your own, or reschedule in earliest convenience. Also be mindful all package is open for 7 weeks even it is programmed to use up for a month incase of insufficient use so that way you won't loose your money and no need to stress if you miss training for a week or two because your sickness or vacation etc. Thank you for understanding and looking forward seeing you!
We strongly encourage fitness clients to download our app so you can reach Mayuka quicker than email when you have any questions or concerns, and you will receive any news faster as she can reach you all directly. Download Our App Here
After download, please follow picture below for instructions how to reach your trainer.