Acupuncture is the practice of inserting ultra fine needles into specific points of energy that are located along 14 Meridians or Channels that cover the entire body. There are 365 classical Acupuncture points associated with the 14 Meridians. These points and meridians, mapped out millennia ago and confirmed by consistent practice have show that skillful insertion and manipulation of specific points will produce predictable results in the body.
Massage Therapy involves the manipulation of soft tissue, muscles, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments and skin. Your massage therapist will uses varying degrees of pressure, movement and techniques that helps alleviate the discomfort associated with every day occupational stresses, muscular over-use and many chronic pain conditions. Massage therapy can be used as a treatment for both acute and chronic conditions and is generally considered part of integrative medicine. and the best part, Is safe for every member of your family!
Manual osteopathy focuses on facilitating the health of joints and muscles through non-invasive manual therapy, helping to strengthen the framework of the body, and acts as a complementary therapy alongside conventional medicine. By working with the interrelated systems and functions of the human body, manual osteopathic therapy can return the body to normal health so it can self-heal and self-regulate.
At Mahalo M&W you will be able to find a variety of wellness workshops and learning opportunities to maintain positive mental health.