Carmen Vallejo
Registered Massage Therapist - RMT & Esthetician / Owner
Registered Massage Therapist - RMT / BScN / Doula / Esthetician
Becoming a registered massage therapist was a nice transition in my professional path. I am very proud of my choice, and fascinated by a profession that allows me to offer therapeutic treatments with a gentle and more holistic approach.
Being able to see the changes, the satisfaction and the sentiment of relief on my clients throughout treatments is a fulfilling experience, because I can see how beneficial massage therapy is and how the different massage techniques can improve the body’s natural response and enhance the healing process. For me, a great massage experience is not only the result of my efforts as a therapist, but the partnership between myself and the person under my care.
We, as therapists, rely on the feedback and free-flowing communication with our clients to be sure we are providing the best treatment possible.I look forward to sharing the positive benefits of massage therapy with you, and I am extremely happy and proud to be a member of your health care team!
Member in good standing of the Certified Registered Massage Therapist Association - CRMTA
Bachelor in Nursing
Diploma in Advanced Clinical Massage Therapy (3000 Hrs of training)
​Graston Technique
Certification in Taping and Strapping
Myofascial Release
Cupping Therapy training
Hot/Cold Stone massage training
Prenatal Massage (pregnancy) training
Manual Lymphatic Draining training
Advanced Orthopedic Massage for the Neck Upper and Lower Body
Certified Kinetic Massage Therapist (Kinetic massage of the Neck, Shoulder and Hip).
​Orthopaedic Massage training
Other trainings:
First Aid CPR/AED ​
Certified Doula
Services Available in English, Français, Español. ​
Note: Carmen offer direct billing for massage therapy services. ** Esthetics or Doula services are not admissible for direct billing based on provitial regulations..